Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Who created Caste, When, Who suffered, and why we should UNITE to annihilate this scourge

A Request on this Sensitive and Controversial topic:

This is a Sensitive and Controversial topic. We request your patience in reading our argument. Our intent is to UNITE Indian society and remove invalid practices that may have crept in. 

Please note that there is a distinction between Caste, Jati and Varna. So when reading the content please take care to note the specific word used in the context. Fraudulent interchangeable use of these words by the British over centuries has obfuscated the field and made it more difficult to see the differences. However, with a little care it will become clear. Please note that Jati can have several connotations and the most heinous and troublesome connotations are the ones that are expressed by CASTE. 


Here are some answers from our book Learnt Lies. Some elements of the text below are direct from the book. Hence for citations / copyright please use

'Learnt Lies: Tools, Analysis and a Proposal for Rediscovering Truth'© 2016


We were asked the following questions in a comment. We thank you for the comment. Unfortunately we do not know whom to credit for the questions. 

Comments are helpful for us to think through various aspects and the interest in the topic encourages us to pursue our goal to annihilate  the British-created-atrocity-of-Caste.

We have dealt with these questions in our book. Since, the book will not be available for the general public for a couple more weeks, hence we answer your queries here:

If Varna is not related to Jati, then 

  • What is Jati?

Jati is a commonly used word that lacks a specific or single technical meaning in Indian languages. Jati is used to refer to ethnicity, gender (as in मर्द-जाती), profession, status, class, royalty, nationality, species, genus, (as in type of animal), a group or sub-group of people, race, family, breeding, clan, sect, religion or community. Its meaning is dependent on the context of the sentence. There were no religious-scriptural mandated divisions of Indian society on the base of Jati (we deal with Varna below). 

Both Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar had concluded that Jati does NOT mean Caste.
Varna also has several meanings, but there is one 'specific' technical term that is relevant for us here. Caturvarnavyavastha is a classification into four categories of the professions that people fill in society. The classification is done with the intention of determining what is needed for a successful society. Such classifications are done today as well by Census boards, Education ministries and economic studies that forecast requirements and shortages of professions necessary for the well-being of society. A Varna is one of the four super-classifications that Hindu Shastra used to group every legitimate profession in society. Varna when used in this sense is a technical term for the Caturvarnavyavastha. 

Varna is also used as a technical term with different meanings in other bodies of Hindu thought. Both Dr. Ambedkar and Gandhi concluded that Varna does NOT mean Caste.
Caste was a term 'constructed' by the British and Europeans that believed in the purity of ancestral lineage. Classifications of caste were Octoroon, Quadroon, Quinteroon, Half-Caste and similar terms referring to the purity of the blood. The term was later used by the British to obfuscate the distinction between Varna and Jati for the sole purpose of dividing Indian society to cause harm to its people. 

  • When was Jati created?

In Hindu scriptures the term Jati was never created as such! In Indian languages Jati is a non-technical colloquial term referring to where one is born. 
However, in the sense of Caste: Caste as the word is used today was introduced into India by the British within the last several hundred years. And we have pinpointed specific records to date this.
Caste is related to British and European slavery laws.
Please note that Jati can have several connotations and the most heinous and troublesome connotations are the ones that are expressed by CASTE.  

We will share a lot of information here, but would invite you to read the arguments in the flow we intended in our book. 

  • Who created Caste?

Caste (the 'vulgate' meaning attributed to Jati) was created by the British. The restriction on the inter-caste marriage is also British orchestrated. We give detailed explanation of this.

  • Why was Caste created?

The British created this to divide the populace so that they would never rise against British crimes as one group. British crimes included events like chopping off the thumbs of whole villages of weavers! This supported the monopoly of British cloth producing labourers and factories. Weavers were conveniently classified by the British as untouchables to separate them from the rest of society so that they can be targeted and destroyed in smaller groups. 
A parallel here is the creation of divisions between the Hutus and Tutsis of Rwanda via the fraudulent race-science and race-studies that had British roots and which the Belgians sustained. This tragic differentiation led to the Rwandan Genocide nearly two hundred years after the seeds of division were sown. We traced this history with references. 

  • Who benefited from Caste & who is still benefiting?

Ambedkar wrote that Brahmins were mostly 'beggars' and they lived off charity and alms from other groups. It is important to keep this in mind as we read further.  
The classification of Castes into a hierarchy of status was done by the British.  Epistemological arguments help establish this quite clearly. Ambedkar also had made several observations on the inconsistency of status among Jatis.
Post independence the Castes with higher status benefited the most, as the Britishers had planted the seeds of lack of mobility across Castes! There is enough epistemological evidence that the seeds of lack of mobility across Castes were planted by the British. 
The Britishers also obfuscated the perceptions of Indian society by bringing 'COLOR' into the fraudulent-constructed-system. This suited the British goal of creating a FALSE theory of themselves being superior. This was evident in the signs that the British put worldwide stating:
"Coloreds and Dogs Keep Out"
Please note that these signs applied to ALL Indians and other natives worldwide. (Here it is relevant to note that it is important for people worldwide to be united in ensuring that Britain apologizes and compensates for these atrocities that resulted from their systems.)
Additionally, the Britishers benefited from this system by destroying unity among the Indians. Today again foreign interests, particularly the British benefit the most from this practice and then the politicians benefit in playing the vote-bank politics. 

  • Who suffered due to Jati & still suffering?

While this orchestrated system is a loss for every Indian and an impediment for India's success, the Jatis that were classified the lowest suffered the most and are still suffering today. The British wanted some Castes to suffer disproportionately as only then society could be divided. The ones that could be most easily made to suffer were classified lower in the British hierarchy. There is evidence in Ambedkar's writing of how the British betrayed the lowest Castes and made them even more vulnerable and weak. 
We need to change that! We need all Indians of ALL Jatis to participate together in this change.
We believe we can make the arguments to support this vision.
We also believe Indian cultural and religious beliefs have a deep sense of humanity and equality allowing this change to be brought about very rapidly. We intend to destroy maliciously planted British systems.  

  • Why people kill other Jati people? Why is inter-caste marriage an honor-issue.

Psychologically human minds are very fragile. Even the most intelligent minds process limited information to arrive at answers that they seek. This is a survival instinct and NOT a weakness of the individual or society. A planted sense of identity and honor can build hatred between communities. A study of civil wars across the planet helps us see how commonly this hatred can be developed. 
Indian history and mythology show lots of inter-caste marriages. The British constructed knowledge created the conditions where these marriages became forbidden. The British ridiculed natives worldwide by their skin color. The British also attached meanings of 'dirtiness' and 'lack of purity of blood lines' to skin color and racial or ethnic features through dubious race-studies. This they established in the minds of masses through fraudulent claims of these being 'advanced modern or scientific studies' which bring organization, civilization, and progress related benefits. These fraudulent race studies were the roots of new mass perceptions on race, ethnicities, superiority and hierarchy. 
This survival instinct has been manipulated to fool and divide people. 
We discuss the mechanisms and the long term impact
The long term impact is critical to understand as it creates anger across groups, because we fail to see that our behavior is impacted by our past and our manipulated education and the biases have been 'planted'. Our explanations are built on research and experience. We provide a bibliography of references as well. 
The study of the British roots of the Rwandan Genocide is a glaring and unfortunate example of the long term impact and the enormity of the crime of British race-science and related British propaganda. 

We would much appreciate your reading of our book. This is a big project of importance not just to every Indian but to every native on the planet that has suffered atrocities at the hands of the British or some of the other Europeans. Your feedback on the topic and participation in the process is essential for us to succeed in the ambitious goal of Annihilating British-Created-Caste and ALL inhumane practices associated with it.

Please NOTE that those who are suffering the MOST today, the weakest and poorest, will need everyone's help. And together we need to continue to support them till the scourge and scars of this British-Caste atrocity are removed for ever.

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